Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dataprotector Poor tape reset

The other day at work a whole bunch of backup jobs failed a in the process all the used tapes had been marked red in dataprotector with a "POOR" quality label.
As a result, that tapes are unusable until the retension time expires.

Luckily, there is something you can.

Open a command screen on your DP server and browse to the folder c:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin. Probably best put it in the path, so you can execute commands from anywhere.
Anyway, with the command omnimm you can do all tape & drive related manipulations, perfect for scripting purposes.
One of these options is resetting the tape quality. To do this, execute this command: omnimm -reset_poor_medium . Not even a second later, you'll get a message: Reset poor flag on medium .
The tape is now back in "GOOD" quality and ready to use.


Javier Roldan said...

Great cheat and very very useful, overall in Data Protector where Poor Quality marked tapes is an everyday issue.

Unknown said...

Hi, nice tip.

I would be able to use the data in the tape?


Anonymous said...

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